917 Diaries

by Fernanda Brandao



October 2013

Apartment Chelsea – 3

Written by , Posted in DESIGN, LIFESTYLE, TRAVEL

O ultimo apartamento também está localizado na Rua 15, perto da 6a avenida, mas possui uma área interna um pouco diferente e super interessante. Duas coisas chamaram muito a minha atenção; a área aberta no centro do prédio que faz lembrar, em alguns pontos, a arquitetura do High Line com, inclusive, um cinema a céu aberto para seus moradores e o lounge logo na entrada, um charme! Quanto ao apartamento, o que eu visitei me deixou apaixonada por ter uma área externa privativa. Tudo bem que faltam poucos dias para o calor acabar, mas já fiquei me imaginando passando meus dias de verão lendo na espreguiçadeira, tomando meu amado cool lime do Starbucks e tentando reverter, de uma vez por todas, a falta de melanina na minha pele. #brancadenevetamaisbronzeadaqueeu #topraficartransparente

O aluguel dos apartamentos começa a partir de $3,695.00 dólares e, para ter mais informações,  por favor enviem email para mellis@rutenbergrealtyny.com  com o titulo “Apartment seen on 917Diaries, 15th Street and 6th Ave”.

* Todos os apartamentos mostrados em nossos posts foram visitados por nós para ter certeza de que o que estamos recomendando realmente traduz o que as pessoas verão em loco. Todas as fotos foram tiradas por mim e pertencem ao 917 Diares, as que não forem nossas serão devidamente creditadas. Há outras unidades disponíveis para aluguel neste prédio e nós não temos como garantir que uma unidade especifica será alugada. No entanto, todos os apartamentos possuem o mesmo padrão.

**Imagens das áreas comuns deste local pertencem a Curbed.

E ai, o que vocês acharam? Semana que vem tem mais post com outros apartamentos. Espero que tenham gostado! Para ver os outros posts, cliquem aqui e aqui.

The Studio

Studio Outside area, Building Open Area, Open Cinema

Entrance, Lounge and Gym

This is the third and final post about the apartments for rent in Chelsea.  This building is also located on 15th Street, but closer to 6th Avenue. The place has a more modern and cool area than most buildings here in NY. Two things really caught my attention while I was visiting the apartment; the very nice lounge close to the entrance and the open area at the center of the building, which reminded me a little of the High Line architecture and even had an open cinema! As far as the apartment goes, the one I visited had an open area linked to the studio with two sunbeds and a table that made me fall in love with it. I know our warm days are about to end but I was already picturing myself sunbathing during the summer in the great company of amazing books, my beloved Starbucks’ cool lime and a tanning oil – all trying to help me revert, for good, the lack of melamine on my skin. #snowwhiteisalottannerthaniam #seethroughskintone

Rents start at $3.695 dollars. For inquiries, please email mellis@rutenbergrealtyny.com with the title: “Apartment seen on 917Diaries, 15th Street and 6th Ave”.

So, what did you think about the apartments we posted on the blog? We’ll have more next week, this time, at  a different neighborhood. Hope you enjoyed it. Please click here and here to see the other two apartments.

*All apartments shown in the post were visited by us to make sure that what we are recommending truly reflect the reality on site. All pictures were taken by me and belong to 917 Diaries. The ones that were not taken by me will be credited to its source. Please note there are other units available for rent in this building, and we can’t guarantee a specific unit will be available for rent. They, however, follow all the same standards.

** Images from the common areas belong to Curbed

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