917 Diaries

by Fernanda Brandao



September 2013

Mulberry Sample Sale

Written by , Posted in FASHION

Essa noticia vale ouro: Vai ter Sample Sale da marca inglesa Mulberry no dia 10 de Setembro! A marca escolheu uma semana estratégica, pois a semana de moda começa agora dia 05 e termina no dia 12. Nem precisa dizer que as filas estarão dobrando o quarteirão. Mas para aquelas que são fãs da marca, vale a pena, pois os descontos serão de até 70% e estão prometendo muitas e muitas bolsas, roupas e lenços! Imperdível!

This is one valuable tip: There will be a Mulberry Sample Sale starting September 10th! The brand strategically chose a day during New York Fashion Week, which starts on September 5th and will end on September 12th. It goes without saying that lines will be going around the block, but for the ones who are a fan of the brand, it will be worth it, since there will be tons of bags, ready-to-wear, and scarves up to 70% off! Can’t miss!

Where: 317 W. 33rd Street

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