Written by Fernanda, Posted in FASHION
Tem ótimas sample sales acontecendo essa próxima semana aqui em NY, então se você puder, não deixe de conferir. Os descontos podem chegar a 80%! Não percam!
There are some pretty great sample sales happening in NY this week, so if you can, make sure you check them out. Discounts can be up to 80%! Don’t miss it!
Começa/ Starts: Sunday, June 9th
Termina/ Ends: Thursday, June 13th
Onde/ Where: 225 Fifth Ave (between 26th and 27th Sts)
Horarios/ Hours:
Dom/Sun 1pm—5pm,
Seg-Qui/ Mon—Thurs 11am—7pm.
Começa/ Starts: Segunda/Monday, June 10th
Termina/ Ends: Domingo/ Sunday, June 16th
Onde/ Where: 260 Fifth Avenue (between 28th and 29th Sts) (1)
72 Greene St (between Spring and Broome Sts) (2)
(1) Horarios/ Hours: 2a/Mon: 12pm—8pm
3a/Tues—5a/Thurs 10am—8pm,
6a/Fri 9am—4pm.
(2) Horarios/ Hours: 3a/Tues—5a/Fri 10am—8pm,
Sab/Sat 11am—7pm,
Dom/Sun 12pm—6pm.
Começa/ Starts: 3a/Tuesday, June 11th
Termina/ Ends: Sab/ Saturday, June 15th
Onde/ Where: 261 W. 36th St (between 7th and 8th Aves)
Horarios/ Hours: 3a/Tues—6a/Fri 11am—7pm,
Sab/Sat 11am—5pm.